Friday, September 23, 2011



Hi everyone, all like 5 of you that follow my blog, thank you! Haha! I guess if I wrote daily it might be more interesting..... so we will keep it like it is.. boring!

Ok first thing I want to say about toothpaste is USE IT!

I make my own of course! I will be sharing my recipe in this post!

Now you can buy and use whatever you like, but I recommend that you don't use one with fluoride, since that is a deadly toxin and well the kids don't need to be overdosed on that! If you can get it out of your water supply, I would recommend that too! It's just a chemical that is from fertilizer run off and aluminum production plants... of course there is some natural fluoride in the soil, but the kind in your toothpaste probably isn't that kind! Yuck!

Keep using it if you like, but I would research it for myself if I were you!

Now to save you some money on whatever toothpaste you use! Here are my tips!

Now if you are like me and you watch a lot of TV commercials you will notice that we are basically brainwashed into loading up our toothbrush with a nice huge curly swirl of the stuff! It's what we all know as the way to brush!

And most of us know that when you do that, and you go to start brushing a lot of it just falls into the sink! LOL! Making a nice mess for whoever gets to clean the sink next!

Well, surprise, that's a way to get you to use more than you need! You only need to put an amount on your toothbrush that is around the size of a pea! That's probably about 10 times less than you currently are using! So if you want to save, just cut down on the amount of toothpaste you use on your brush! it will still lather up and get your mouth nice and clean, considering there are other nice chemicals in there to give you the illusion that it's working for you! You really are better off without all that extra stuff in your body!

Now back in the day before toothpaste was actually created and marketed like crazy, people used something simple and cheap... Baking soda! Yes, it's a wonderful, safe and very versatile chemical. It's actually a salt. So this brings us to the toothpaste recipe I use for my daily use!

Funny thing is I have been using this for over a year now, and so when I have to use something mainstream out of a tube, well it tastes like I am washing my mouth out with soap... I probably need that cause I do use foul language a bit too much! haha!

Ok so it's real simple, you need the following ingredients:

2 Tbls Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
3 Tbls Baking Soda
3 - 4 packets of Stevia in the Raw, or if you have a Stevia plant, grind up a few leaves.
A few drops of Peppermint oil or Tea Tree Oil (to taste)

Place the Coconut oil into a glass container with a lid.
I recommend getting the Coconut oil warmed up by stirring it a little bit in the jar so it can get soft, it only needs to get to 78 degrees before it will be in a liquid state if you coconut oil is solid!

Add in the baking soda and stir carefully, it tends to want to jump out of the jar I use.

Combine thoroughly, then add in the Stevia and stir.

I taste it at this point in case I want to sweeten it more. But I have made it so much, this seems to be perfect with 4 packets for me!

Add in peppermint oil, or whatever flavored oil you prefer, by drops.. stir and taste test after every 5 drops.. I just kind of dump in about a 1/2 teaspoon of it! haha!

That's it! Keep it covered so nothing gets in it! Haha! Be kind of nasty to have a fly in your ointment.. lol anyhow, try it for a few days. It will take some getting used to, you will not like the texture I am sure at first.. but after a few weeks you will not want to go back to your old toothpaste. I like it. I recommend you gargle with Hydrogen Peroxide too instead of using something like Listerine or some other alcohol based mouthwash.

Please feel free to comment on anything I have said! I take criticism.. good or bad... so bring it!

I mix this up in a little jar that has a plastic removable cover so I can dip my brush into it and use it anytime I want..