Friday, June 11, 2010


Hello everyone!

Okay, hopefully you have obtained some of the ingredients that I mentioned in my last blog as I would like to start off with a simple recipe to make your own cleanser! I think it works better than the store bought brands, but that is my opinion, once you try it I would love to hear your feedback!

Ok first thing to get is a container with some holes in it to store your homemade cleanser in, I use an old Parmesan, Ramono or that fake pizza cheese they make - container, it has 3 nice big holes for the cleanser to be dispensed from and it seals. Some larger spice bottles such as my ground mustard container also have caps with these type of lids also. The nice thing about using the old cheese container is that it is plastic and will not get wet like the cardboard containers that store bought cleansers use. And the closing lid keeps it from spilling over if you knock it over, like I have done on occassion! LOL!

I like using the cleanser in the shower cause it won't get wet inside, although the lid area gets a bit gummed up cause of the water vapor and the powder so sometimes it won't close all the way without cleaning the wet cleanser from the lid, but it will seal enough to keep water from getting inside. I also like the fact that I can put it on the shower shelf and not worry about it getting wet while I take a shower and then use it to scrub the shower after. I kinda like to kill two birds with one stone! haha!

If you haven't found the washing soda, which was the hardest thing for me to find, then look online! If you search properly you can find it in bulk for a pretty good price! The thing about these items is that you get a lot for a few bucks and you can use one box for making a multitude of cleaners and also use them as described on the boxes for the more common stuff! I will not get into those right now, but suffice it to say that I will have to devote one whole blog to each item individually to give you lists of the uses for all but the fels-naptha soap... I currently only have two uses for that stuff: Liquid Laundry Detergent or Powdered Laundry Detergent.

Okay  by now you are probably wondering how to make this cleanser! Well my recipe makes about 12 Oz of cleanser. The recipe is as easy as pie! Remember to wear gloves when handling this stuff, and yes even your household cleanser tells you to wear gloves when using it! I know a lot of us never do! And with the household ones we really should wear gloves cause they have more toxins that can get into your body through your skin than this does.. still for the health concerned people you might still want to use gloves. Always use gloves when you are scooping the ingredients from the boxes please, as washing soda and borax can be irritating to your skin. That kinda means you shouldn't get it on you! haha!

Okay, finally to make your own HOMEMADE CLEANSER that can be used on ANY surface that store bought cleanser is used on, and probably more... here is the easy, simple and best recipe.

1 cup Baking Soda
1/4 cup Borax
1/4 cup Washing Soda


Scoop each ingredient into a plastic container with a lid, and shake to mix!

You can use a locking sandwich bag if that is all you have!
You can double, triple or make mass amounts of the stuff by simple mulitplication...

It makes about 12oz of dry powdered cleanser, that I think works better than store bought brands and doesn't stain my rags green or blue, and contains no chlorine. I use it on my sinks, shower, toilet, counter tops and on pots and pans sometimes. Basically you can use it on anything you normally would a store bought cleanser. Oh and one more thing, I find that i don't need to use as much of this as I do normal cleanser, maybe that is me or maybe it cleans better? I really don't know, but I do know a little goes a long way!

Please give me your feedback.  I welcome all comments!

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