Tuesday, April 19, 2011



Ok we all talk about being GREEN these days, but how many people actually are doing it? Not enough if you ask me!

My town has a recycling program where they take paper, plastic, glass, metals, and whatever else can be renewed... but they also have things that can't be taken by them and those items should just be thrown in the trash.. unfortunately.. but maybe some day they will build more power plants that work off of trash.

If you are like every other American in the US, then you use and can recycle a ton (literally) of stuff of more a year!

Ok I use my town's recycling program, but I do NOT give them my aluminum cans, my glass bottles, or my plastic bottles! Those I take to a recycling center and get money for them! If I gave them to the city, well they would make the money and not ME! LOL! So, yeah it can be a pain to separate and store all the cans and bottles and paper, but if you do then you can really make some extra cash for yourself and make it worth your time!

I don't recycle paper and cardboard myself, I let the town do that, cause I don't buy the newspaper and since I have a mobilehome with no garage, I really don't have the space for paper and cardboard storage. If I did get the paper then I would surely save them cause they add up fast! They are paying very well these days for cardboard and newsprint! So if you have the space collect all your boxes, and news papers that you use!

Ok I am not talking about recycling your pots and pans or mail box here... lol I am talking aluminum cans and those new fancy bottles that beer comes in these days! Most of us have soda cans and beer cans galore, most of us throw them out of the car, or in the garbage! But you should be saving and recycling those! Aluminum cans here in California (with the CRV - California Redemption Value) are going for $2.00 plus a pound right now! I think a pound of cans is like 19 - 12oz cans.. so the weight adds up fast.. The price is probably lower in some states that don't have this added tax, but if you do live where they tax your for each drink that you buy then you should be recycling if for no other reason than to get your tax money back! I always like it when I find cans that are on the ground, cause someone else just paid me to take it in for them! Thanks whoever you are!

Now don't think that you are going to take in a kids picnic table and get anything for it, that should go to the town recycling program.. I think.. if it's questionable I usually send it to the town recycling and let them figure it out.. I know, I''m a bad boy! But I would rather not take the chance that it is usable rather than put in a landfill where I know it will be for centuries! So, plastic bottles! We all buy water and soda and other drinks in plastic these days, why not get some money back for it?? We also have that CRV tax on the plastic we buy here in California, so I am gonna get as much of that back as I can. Plastic bottle get about $1.00 a pound here, which is less than the aluminum but still worth taking in to recycle! So many of us throw these away, and that plastic will just sit in the dump for eons before it breaks down.. it doesn't turn back into the oil it was made from, so please take them in! I actually think plastic lasts longer in the ground than a metal! So get those bottles recycled!

Everything tastes better out of glass! Take a beer for instance, a canned beer tastes like the metal it's in.. and a beer in glass just tastes fresh! Ok, so glass is a big issue with people and recycling, cause it weighs so much! Heavy to transport and you risk getting cut if anything breaks... but you are doing the planet a favor. Most of us don't buy glass bottles, except beer drinkers I suppose.. well again you pay that CRV here in California, so why not get it back? At least take in the bottles that you paid the tax on, give the rest and any jars that food came in to the town recycling program like I do! I never have that much glass so it's easy to just stick in a milk crate and take in when I take in the plastic and aluminum. It adds to my total, and getting rid of it frequently avoids having to lug a huge trashcan full of bottles onto the back of my truck.. no need to wait till you have a ton of glass, take in 20 or 30 lbs at a time, that's probably two bottles for each pound (not sure about that, but they are heavy enough). Just do it!

If we all recycled, even a little it would help!

If you are not one to recycle, then let someone else do it for you.. give it away to those that will recycle! Like the local homeless guy that probably would love you to death if you gave him a bag of cans. Or put it in a container that is labeled for recycling, like the ones from the city recycling programs or one you might see at the mall or sports center. Or ask someone near you if they recycle, give it to them..

Do your part to save our planet... don't put your recyclables in the Earth!

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